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Preparing your Drains for Winter

Drains in snowAhead of winter arriving, make sure your drains are prepared for the cold weather.

If you've noticed that the water is taking longer to drain than it used to when you use your sink, bath or shower, then it may be that the trap is clogged (usually with hair), and needs to be cleared. This is a simple fix that will solve the problem most of the time. However, if you have noticed that more than one of the drains in your property is running slowly, this might be a problem deeper in the drainage system.

In 2022, before Christmas, we experienced very low temperatures over quite a long period, and this caused serious issues with some drainage systems, including in a few cases external pipes freezing. Slow running drains are more likely to freeze and blocked sewer and drain lines can badly damage your home.

If you notice any of the drains in your property are running slowly, please contact Novus and report the issue. They will come out and investigate. This will mean that you are far less likely to suffer from blocked drains this winter.

Drain care advice – six simple tips to avoid a drain disaster

1 Think carefully about what you put down toilets and sinks. Don’t flush things like sanitary products, wipes, nappies, grease, or food scraps.
2 Use filters to catch hair, food waste, and other things that might block drains.
3 Dispose of cooking fat properly by letting it cool down and solidify before putting it in the bin. Let used oil cool down before collecting in a disposable container and then putting in the bin. Never pour grease or oil down the sink, as over time it can solidify and clog the drains.
4 Regularly running hot water down the drains will help dissolve any grease and prevent residue building up. This can help keep the pipes clear and reduce the risk of blockages.
5 Avoid using harsh chemicals to clear drains, as they can damage the pipes and be harmful to the environment. Instead, try using natural remedies like baking soda and vinegar. These are not only better for the planet but usually cheaper as well.
6 Finally, please remember, if you do notice slow drainage or any signs of a potential blockage, please report this as soon as possible. Early action can prevent minor issues from becoming major plumbing problems.

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