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Melville Donates £4,500 to Charities

Festive donations 2023With times tough as the country continues to battle the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, Melville Housing Association has made donations totalling £4,500 to charities that help struggling households.

Nine organisations, spread across Midlothian and beyond, have each received cheques for £500 to help with their work tackling poverty over the busy festive period; they are Aberlour Child Care Trust, Clydesdale Foodbank, Dalkeith Storehouse, Edinburgh and Lothians Trust Fund, Mayfield Pantry, Gorebridge-based Midlothian Foodbank, Penicuik Foodbank, Woodburn Pantry and Mayfield-based youth charity Y2K.

“With times tough, it’s going to be a long hard winter for a lot of people but we’re delighted to be able to help out in some small way,” said Melville’s Head of Housing Jane Burnett. “These are all fantastic charities that do brilliant work in our communities and we wish them all the very best over Christmas and new year.

“At Melville we’re seeing an even greater demand on our services than ever before but any Melville tenant who is struggling should contact us and if we can’t help directly we will point them in the direction of an organisation that can.”

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