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New Repairs Service From 1 April

R3 LaunchFrom Monday 1 April tenants of Melville Housing Association will have a new maintenance service designed to deliver improved levels of customer service.

Melville tenants across central Scotland will benefit from the switch that will see R3 Repairs Ltd deliver a comprehensive repairs and maintenance service to Melville’s 2,100 properties.

“In general the feedback for our repairs service has been very positive however over the past couple of years our tenants have let us know that they were ready for a change,” said Rich Murdoch, Melville’s Head of Asset Management. “R3 is a forward-looking company that is promising a different approach and we were particularly impressed by their focus on getting repairs right first time, a priority that we share.

“We see this move as an excellent opportunity to take our service standards to a new level. The R3 team will be providing a locally-delivered service that is responsive to the needs of both Melville staff and customers and we’re very much looking forward to working with them.”

R3 is based in Haddington, East Lothian, and began trading in 2010, making the most of modern technology to deliver a flexible service that responds to the needs of its users in both the social housing and commercial sectors.

“We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with Melville Housing Association and look forward to partnering with them, to bring their tenants a first-class repairs service,” said R3’s Director Charlie Cooley. “Having delivered repairs and maintenance service to registered social landlords for almost 14 years, we understand what’s important to customers. We ensure that it’s easy to contact our team to report repairs, and that we provide adequate and suitable appointment availability. Communication with customers is key on the repairs journey. Our skilled operatives have great knowledge and carry varied stock to ensure a high level of first time fix repairs.”

Customers of Melville Housing can continue reporting all repairs (including those considered an emergency outside office hours) by phoning Melville on 0131 654 2733 or online.

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