How to Report a Repair
Estate Walkabouts
Three times a year Housing Officers visit your estate to carry out a walkabout. They check every Melville street and garden, looking out for any safety, hygiene and general tidiness issues affecting the neighbourhood. The types of problems most often brought to our attention include:
- communal paths and access rights
- landscaping, grass cutting, hedges and trees
- litter and fly tipping
- cars and parking
- dog mess and nuisance pets
- vandalism
We investigate every issue raised, and, where necessary, worked with other Melville departments and sometimes other organisations, such as the local council or the Police, to find a solution.
Get in touch
If you would like information on how to take part in a walkabout, give us a call on 0131 654 2733. If you don’t want to take part, but there is something in your estate that you want us to check out, let us know and we will report back to you.